Active Share

Share in which there are frequent and day-to-day dealings, as distinguished from partly active shares in which dealings are not so frequent. Most shares of leading companies would be active, particularly those which are sensitive to economic and political events and are, therefore, subject to sudden price movements. Some market analysts would define active shares as those which are bought and sold at least three times a week. Easy to buy or sell

Active share ownership Being a shareholder is not just about putting money into a company that you think will give you a good return for your investment, or a company that you feel deserves support. Socially responsible investors (both individuals and organised groups such as pension funds) are increasingly becoming more involved in active share ownership as a way of influencing corporate behaviour. Active share ownership is all about employing those powers to make a company take notice of issues that concern you.

Some market analysts would define active shares as those which are bought and sold at least three times a week.